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Privacy Policy And Disclaimer

Your access to and use of this website indicates your agreement with the terms of this policy. Our
website site may contain links to other websites hosted by other parties that are outside our control
and are not covered by this privacy policy. If you access other Web sites using the links provided,
your information may be used by the operators of those sites in accordance with their privacy policy.
Research Fusion is not responsible for the privacy practices or the contents of such web sites and has
no responsibility in relation to any material or information you obtain from any such pages or


We follow strict security procedures and take appropriate measures to ensure that the information
about you is not damaged, destroyed or disclosed to a third party except trusted third partners in
accordance with this policy, and unauthorised access to it is prevented. This means that we may
require you to co-operate with our security checks before we can disclose certain information to

What information do we collect?

Research Fusion collects the following:

  • ï‚·Details you provide on registration, including registering for our subscriber services, registering for an event/conference, ordering a report or participating in an online survey

  • ï‚·Participation in any promotions or competitions offered by our website, or provided by you when submitting a customer review

  • ï‚·Information requests for regular communication from Research Fusion which include the email addresses of clicked urls embedded within an email message body

  • ï‚·Feedback on client questionnaires which is gathered continually in order to review and monitor Research Fusion’s performance as part of our quality management system

  • ï‚·CVs when submitting an online application for a position within Research Fusion.


Research Fusion uses cookies to enable us to personalise your visits to our Website. These do not
contain any personally identifiable information. Cookies are small pieces of information that are
stored on your computer’s hard drive by your browser. Most browsers allow you to turn off the
cookie function. If you want to know how to do this please look at the help menu on your browser.
You need session cookies for any protected area of our website.

How do we use the information we collect?

At Research Fusion we assume that visitors are the reason for our success and we sincerely respect
your privacy on the Internet. This privacy policy is prepared just to make sure to convey to everyone
that we care for you and your personal details are handled very cautiously. So, we would ask
everyone to read this privacy policy before navigating the site in detail.
We are committed to protecting your privacy. The information we collect is not shared with or sold
to other organizations for commercial purposes, except to provide products or services you’ve
requested, when we have your permission, or under the following circumstances:

  • ï‚·To manage your subscriber account with us and administer your membership of our serviceInternal record keeping

  • To periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers or otherï‚·
    information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you haveprovided

  • To contact you for market research purposesï‚·

  • To customize the website according to your interests

  • To determine what is most effective about our website

  • To personalise your experience with us and enable us to identify ways to improve it

  • To notify you about changes to the functionality of our website

  • To improve the content of our website and the quality of our service

  • To send you offers or information that we think you may be interested in based on your stated areas of interest and any information you have requested

These details will remain secured within the company and are used for server maintenance,
calculating traffic to site, help people receive desired services and track user's records if anyone
misuses the website services intentionally or unintentionally.
We would transfer information about you if Research Fusion gets acquired by or merged with
another company. In this event, Research Fusion will notify you before information about you is
transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
Our regular email communication, to which you may have subscribed, contains urls. The urls clicked
within the message body are used to gauge user interest, which helps us make future
communication more useful and assists us to customise the content provided to you.
By sending your CV and job application to Research Fusion, you acknowledge and agree that
Research Fusion may use the information about you supplied in your application, or subsequently
supplied, in order to consider you as a candidate for present or future employment, may forward
details of your skills and experience, without your contact data, to our clients for them to assess
your suitability for inclusion on their projects as part of our team and for inclusion in your
employment records if you subsequently become a Research Fusion employee.
Feedback given in client questionnaires is analysed for statistical purposes; to monitor our
performance, and the comments received are used to improve our processes and better serve our
When completing our client questionnaire, if you agree to be a referee, you are stating that
Research Fusion has worked with you and your company. This information will only be used by
Research Fusion for marketing purposes.
Research Fusion may also contact you using the contact details you have provided if we require
further confirmation from you. Research Fusion may request permission to use our clients' company
logos for marketing purposes. Your company logo will not be used for any other purpose.
Trademarks and copyright remain the property of the client's company.
We may also use data for other purposes, which we will describe to you before we collect the
If you have any requests concerning the use of your information please contact us at

Disclosure and retention of your information

We will not sell or share your individual information or disclose information about you to third
parties except as provided in this privacy policy and to the extent that we are required to do so by
law. We reserve the right to disclose your personal information to managers and senior employees

of Research Fusion for the evaluation of your suitability for a particular assignment and similar
purposes; including transmission to our worldwide offices and certain permitted third parties,
including trusted partners. By using our services, you consent to this transfer unless you advise us
otherwise to the email address below. However, Research Fusion will take all necessary steps to
ensure confidentiality of your Personal Data and treatment in accordance with the present policy
and applicable data privacy laws. Research Fusion may also have to disclose your Personal Data
where required by applicable laws, court orders or government regulation.
Regardless of the precautions taken by us we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any
information you transmit to us, and you transmit such information at your own risk.
Information will be stored so that our files can be kept up to date.
If you apply for a position or submit your CV we may, as permitted by law, retain the information for
a reasonable time. We will also retain your CV in the event that you do not take up employment with
Research Fusion, for reference purposes for a reasonable time and to enable us to take it into
account if you apply again or to contact you if a suitable vacancy arises in the future.
You may apply for subject access to view the data which we hold on you at any time for a reasonable
fee to cover our costs.

Data Storage

Research Fusion uses third party vendors and hosting partners to provide the necessary hardware,
software, networking, storage, and related technology required to run the Website, including the
Service. Although Research Fusion owns the code, databases, and all rights to the application that
runs the Research Fusion, you retain all rights to your data.


Every care has been taken in the preparation of the reports and other information products that we
produce to ensure that the information contained within these products is accurate, factual and
correct to the best of our knowledge, at the time of publishing. We make no representations or
warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability
or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services contained on the
website for any purpose. All opinions, suppositions, estimates and recommendations included in this
report are solely the opinions of the authors unless otherwise stated. Research Fusion accepts no
liability for any loss or damage or unforeseen consequential loss or damage arising from the use of
the information contained within these reports and documents. The opinions, suppositions,
estimates and recommendations within these reports and documents cannot be guaranteed, and
readers use this information at their own risk. The information published in these products is subject
to change without notice at any time, and Research Fusion accepts no liability or obligation to inform
the reader of such changes.
Research Fusion does not promote or endorse any specific companies or products, the views and
opinions we express in these reports and documents are wholly our own assessments, and
independent from any external interest or influence. Many terms and phrases and trade names used
in these documents are proprietary and Research Fusion recognises and acknowledges that all
trademarks are copyright, belonging to their respective owners. Where possible, the documents
accord such terms and phrases and trade names to their respective owners.
All Rights Reserved. No part of any of these reports, white papers, research studies and other
documents can be copied, shared, redistributed, transmitted, displayed in the public domain, stored

or displayed on any internal or external company or private network or electronic retrieval system,
nor reprinted, republished or reconstituted in any way without the express written permission of the
For reprint permission or for other requests, please contact Research Fusion on
Products or services sold through, displayed on or downloaded from this Website are not
guaranteed to be free of viruses or similar contamination destructive features. You expressly agree
that the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Service and the accuracy or
completeness of the content is assumed solely by you. While we will make every reasonable effort
to ensure the integrity of the Service, we do not warrant that use of the Service or the functions
contained in the Service or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs. We shall not
be liable for any damage or loss of any kind arising out of or resulting from the user's use of the
Service (including data loss or corruption and including lost profits or other indirect or consequential
This Privacy Policy applies only to the use and collection of data collected by this Website and does
not apply to any other data collected by Research Fusion online or offline. Every effort is made to
keep the website up and running smoothly. However, Research Fusion takes no responsibility for,
and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond
control. Research Fusion does not guarantee or warrant access to our Web site will be uninterrupted
or without delay, or that our Website will be error-free, omission-free or free of viruses or any other
harmful components. Therefore, the information is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind,
express or implied, including accuracy, timeliness and completeness. You, and not Research Fusion,
assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or corrections to your hardware, software or
information whether or not caused by any such virus or harmful component. In no event will
Research Fusion be liable to any party for either direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary,
consequential, or other damages (including, but not limited to, lost profits, business interruption,
loss of programs or data) without regard to the form of action and whether in contract, tort,
negligence, strict liability, or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Website, any
content on or access through this site or any site service linked to, or any copying, displaying, or use
Your access to and use of this Website is provided by Research Fusion. The information provided is
free of charge and intended for information and guidance purposes. It does not create a business
relationship between you and Research Fusion. Information provided on the Website should not be
seen as a substitute for other professional advice or consultation unless stated otherwise. Links on
the Website to other companies or services are not an endorsement of that site or service by
Research Fusion and the use of information on external links is at your own risk.

Copyright and Trademark

Except as otherwise indicated, all the information including, but not limited to, the text and images
contained herein and their arrangement are the property of Research Fusion. All rights in the
Information are reserved. You may not distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, repost or use in any
manner the Information for other uses without the prior written consent of Research Fusion. All
trademarks used or referred to in this Website are the property of their respective owners. The
Website may also contain or reference patents, proprietary Information, technologies, products,
processes or other proprietary rights of Research Fusion and/or other parties. No license to or right
in any such trademarks, patents, domain names, technologies, products, processes and other

proprietary Information or rights of Research Fusion and/or other parties is hereby granted to or
conferred upon you.
Content on this Web site is the copyright of Research Fusion and any unauthorised use of material
on the Website may violate copyright, trademark and other laws. You may freely browse the
Website but may only access, download or use Information from this Website, including but not
limited to texts & images, for your private use only, provided you retain and reproduce each and
every copyright notice and other proprietary rights notice contained in any Information downloaded
from this Website.
If you are registered with Research Fusion you may receive email messages informing you of new
products and/or services. The information you voluntarily provide on the registration form is used to
send you information about our company, its products and services according to your requests. If at
any time you decide you no longer want to be contacted by us or to receive offers and information
from Research Fusion via email or post, please send an email to
and we will remove you from our mailing list.

Policy Change

Research Fusion reserves the right to change this policy either partly or in total as per the
requirement and we recommend that you re-visit this policy from time to time to learn of any such

Refund Policy

Research Fusion offers a complete refund of any monies paid for goods or services if those goods or
services do not accurately and appropriately match the description of the goods or services ordered.
We do NOT offer a refund to customers who order goods or services which we deliver, if those
goods or services DO accurately and appropriately match the description of the goods or services
ordered. Due to the nature of our business, the reports and other publications we produce contain
our own professional opinions and beliefs, and a refund cannot be offered to any customer who
simply does not agree with or does not like such opinions or beliefs. If a refund is required, please
email us at, stating clearly why you believe the goods or services
ordered are not as advertised or represented to you, and we will refund any monies paid, less
handling and carriage charges as appropriate.
If any customer seeking a refund has ordered goods or services of ours through any third party agent
or reseller, you must contact the original agent or reseller from whom you purchased the goods to
discuss the possibility of a refund. For any further questions or clarification of this refund policy,
please write to us or email us at

Contact Us

If you have any queries with regard to this policy please contact us at

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